PS3 Star Ocean: The Last Hope International The year is A.D. In the aftermath of World War III, Earth has been ravaged and the population decimated by a deteriorating environment. From the creative minds of Square Enix and tri-Ace, STAR OCEAN - THE LAST HOPE takes place at the very beginning of the Star Ocean series. This action-packed RPG takes players on the epic journey of mankind’s last stand, with exploration and battle across some of the most mysterious, dangerous and fantastical worlds of the universe. Denuvo release. NFO (Image) STAR OCEAN™ - THE LAST HOPE -™ 4K & Full HD Remaster on Steam. 362 comments. Save hide report. This thread is archived. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 230 points 2. Tags: download Star Ocean The Last Hope XBOX 360, download Star Ocean The Last Hope XBOX 360 torrent. Project Rap Rabbit – PC.
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STAR OCEAN - THE LAST HOPE - 4K & Full HD Remaster PC torrent
STAR OCEAN - THE LAST HOPE - 4K & Full HD Remaster
Developer: Square Enix, tri-Ace
Publisher: Square Enix
Genre: Action, RPG, Sci-fi
Language: EN / Multi6
Treatment: Not required
Release Date: 2017
From the creative minds of Square Enix and tri-Ace, STAR OCEAN - THE LAST HOPE takes place at the very beginning of the Star Ocean series.
This action-packed RPG takes players on the epic journey of mankind’s last stand, with exploration and battle across some of the most mysterious, dangerous and fantastical worlds of the universe.
Earth has been decimated by World War III and now humanity must turn to the stars in search of a new home. Explore the galaxy on your quest, make allies and enemies among the alien races you encounter and uncover a danger so great that it threatens all of creation.
Men of war vietnam trainer. - Spectacular New 4k and Full HD Visuals
- Exhilarating Real-time Battles
A universe of adventure and danger await in the great Star Ocean!
Minimum System Requirements
CPU: Intel core i3 2100 / AMD A8-6500
OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 (64 bit)
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT630 VRAM 512MB / AMD Radeon R7 250 VRAM 512MB
Free Disk Space: 55 GB
Recommended System Requirements
CPU: Intel Core i5 4670 / AMD A10-7850K
OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 (64 bit)
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX960 VRAM 2GB / AMD Radeon R9 380 VRAM 2GB and over
Free Disk Space: 55 GB
Game Size: 14.7 GB
How to download from this site
Alternative Versions
How to Install
1. Mount ISO Image with DaemonToolsLite and install the game
2. Copy content of the folder 'Crack' to the installed games directory
3. Play
Gameplay Trailer & Screenshots
I have a few options ready for Star Ocean The Last Hope. I had to change the settings in the Extra portion of Cheat Engine to search for cheats in this game. I'm not sure if it's required to use the table or not. I was getting an Access Error otherwise.
Also, it appears the game allocated all the memory around it's functions, so Cheat Engine cannot allocate memory near where you are injecting. This caused the jmp instructions to take up 14 bytes instead of 5. I believe I worked around it for the options I have.

Star Ocean The Last Hope
I have God Mode (Infinite HP In Battle), Experience Multiplier and pointers for Party SP so far.
********** IMPORTANT ********************
Don't leave the Item Creation options on while playing the game. Only use them in the Item Creation screen. Turn them off if you plan to synthesis also, since they won't work with it.
Also, you must enable Kernel Mode in Cheat Engine settings for the table to work on this game. Enable the Query Memory Regions and Read/Write Memory under the Extra potion of Cheat Engine Settings.
Found an Infinite Battle MP option.
Added the Enemy Killed Multiplier and few more pointers for Fol, Monsters Killed. Not sure about the crashes. Did you try changing the settings in Cheat Engine to use Kernel Mode. I had to check Query Memory Regions and Open Process automatically checked for me to find codes for this game. It may be Denuvo or something else. Not sure, but the jmp codes are going to 14 bytes for me, so I designed it for that.
I found a Quick Fill Rush Gauge option.
I enhanced the Quick Fill Rush Gauge option to also make enemies never rush if you want to use that option. There are options to turn it off if you only want the quick fill rush gauge portion of it. I also found the Difficulty pointer.
After some trial and error, I came up with a Change Quantity of Items Received When You Gain An Item. Changed Description of Monsters Killed to Battles Fought (thanks TheByteSize).
I decided to enhance the Change Quantity to allow a multiplier if that is how you want to play. It either multiplies items you receive by the amount you set or gives you a specific amount every time you gain an item now.
I found out my Change/Multiply Quantity of Items only affected the first item you receive. I fixed this to change the quantity of all the items in the list when you gain items with this update. I'm removing EDIT5 and 5.1.
I finally figured out how to change the quantity of monster drops after some trial and error. It's here in EDIT6. You have to fight one battle before the game allows you to enable it, but it works by giving you the specified amount of items when they drop from monsters instead of 1 each.
I figured out how to grab pointers to Shop Items. You can modify them, but I don't have a list of what ID is what. I tested adding 1 to each ID and it worked. Seems there is a value for the type of item also or something. Anyway, it's here in EDIT6.1. You have to purchase an item for the pointers to update, then you can make modifications and come back into the shop without going completely out of the shop interface.
Uploaded wrong file, so try this one for the Shop Modification option. I'm removing 6.1.
EDIT 6.3:
I enhanced the Shop Modifier option to automatically set the items in the shop starting with an ID you can set. I went through the items in the game and I believe I have most everything. I could have a few ID's incorrect from the manual entry I did, but it should be in the general area. So with this, you can find an item you want and hit the Update Shop With Items Starting At ItemIDStart option after you have gotten the pointers for the shop to populate and it will populate the items from there. It automatically skips over invalid ID's. This took me some time of manually looking at items, but I think I have items where they need to be. I'm taking a small break. I may not have anything else until tomorrow.
I found some more time for the game. I found some options with Item Creation. One is Infinite Items When Creating. It doesn't use any items when you make an item with this option on. You have to launch the Item Creation interface in-game at least once. The other is No Item Requirement. Big thanks to TheByteSize for his pointer to make the jmps 5 bytes again as it made this option easier. With this option turned on, the Item Creation interface thinks you have 20 of every item. Enjoy!
I added some options for Infinite Item Usage In Battle and Outside of Battle. You have to get into one battle and use an item outside of battle once to activate these. I also merged a couple of TheByteSize's options. They are under a heading Options Made By TheByteSize.
I modified God Mode to add Enemy Damage Multiplier and a One Hit Kill option. I also fixed a few issues I noticed. The Shop Modifier now lets you buy items if the item originally in the shop you already had 20 of when it updates the shop for you with the Update Shop option. I also attempted to fix the Change/Multiply Item Quantity on Gain to not multiply/change if it's taking away items. I haven't been able to test everything, but I hope it is working fine now to keep the option on when doing quests and things that take away your items.
EDIT 8.2:
Small issue if you had damage modifier script on with God Mode Off and Enemy Damage Multiplier On. I fixed it here in EDIT 8.2. I'm removing 8.1.
I found some options for Bonus Board. The main one is to always have the bonuses from the bonus board active. It doesn't display in the board, but it gives you the results of having them after battle. I found pointers to the Bonus Board also that only work during a battle. However, you can only modify a bonus board slot that you have already received in the game. You can change ones to another one, but not give yourself one from nothing. It crashed the game for me when I did that. I also did some things to the Damage Modifier in this update. I gave a Hero Damage Multiplier, so you can say take half damage and also a Hero Never Dies option, which if turned on with God Mode off, you lose HP until it drops to 1. All in all, a pretty good update.
EDIT 9.1:
In my testing, I experienced some crashes with the Damage Modifier on with the last update. Not sure if anyone else experienced it, but I attempted to fix it by saving some more registers I was using and not saving before. I also added in INT under TheByteSize's Character Stat editor in this update.
EDIT 10:
I found pointers for every character's skills. I just added them under a Character Editor (DrummerIX) I made. You can give characters skills that normally you can't give in the game. Just make sure to not go over the max. As far as crashes, I also enabled the Read/Write Memory Kernel mode and that may have helped my crashes, so try that. I'm not positive why it crashes sometimes.
EDIT 10.1:
I ran through another start of new game to test the table. I found some issues with Hero Damage Multiplier affecting healing your party. I fixed this and also fixed an issue with Rush Gauge giving rush to the Polyphaga enemies on planet Aeos. I fixed this also in this update. Again, for the crashes, I enabled both options for Kernel Mode and I didn't experience crashes with many options turned on.
EDIT 10.2:
As an enhancement, I made the Multiply/Change Qty of Gained Items not do anything for those of the valuable type (Starting at ID 0x04B1). I also merged in the latest table from TheByteSize with options he made.
EDIT 10.3:
In my attempts to unlock things early in the game, I found pointers to the current party members. I'm not sure they do much good, but might be useful for putting a certain character back in the game after you lose them if you want to. I was able to add the member and they work in battle, but start at level 1 with not all skills they usually would have. I still couldn't unlock synthesis option from item creation with Sarah in the party, so no dice there. Anyway, I added the pointers to the table regardless.
EDIT 11:
I found a Specific Damage Amount option for those that want those kind of battle trophies to be easy to do. I tested it with Edge and 555 and it worked for me. Enjoy!
Star Ocean Last Hope Pc
EDIT 11.1:
I found pointers to the Battle Trophies where you can turn specific ones off and on for a character you select and a battle trophy you select. It's here in EDIT 11.1.
EDIT 12:
I attempted to fix Quick Fill Rush Gauge to not affect enemies and allies correctly. It seems to work better for me in this update, but I did limited testing. I also added Colisieum Gold pointer and fixed Myuria and Sarah being switched for Battle Trophies.
EDIT 13:
Star Ocean The Last Hope Pc Download Free
I finally figured out something for Always Drop Item From Monster. I have the number of the item you want to get also, so you can get specific items the monster drops (Monsters have up to 6 items they can drop and I believe they go in the order listed under the monster data collection starting with zero for the first item listed) If you choose a number and the monster doesn't have an item in that number, I loop around to the beginning of the list. I also fixed Battle Trophies multiples of 8 should work now.
EDIT 13.1:
There may have been an issue with Always Drop Item if the monster didn't have any drops. I tried to fix this, but it's untested for now. Let me know if you all have issues with the option. I'm removing EDIT 13.
EDIT 13.2:
I enhanced the Always Drop Item to allow you to set a Preferred Item that it will always pick if the monster has that as a drop item from it's list of available items. If you're farming for a specific item, just set it to Preferred Item and set Use Preferred Item option to On and go farm the monster without knowing the exact number from it's drop list.
EDIT 13.3:
I figured out how to get All Items A Monster Usually Drops and have it here in EDIT 13.3. I also added an option for you to specify an Extra Item to drop if you want to get that item among the other drops a monster has. Just another way to get items besides the shop modifier if you can't get to a shop. I will look into something for Beat when I get a chance later today. I removed the option to just get one drop from monster.
EDIT 14:
Okay, I found a Beat EXP Multiplier, but it doesn't show after battle that it levels up. It does level up faster with the option on though. I merged in TheByteSize's latest scripts from few days ago (Battle Trophy related). I believe this might be the last update unless some error pops up with the options. I'm fairly satisfied that we have plenty of options doing most things needed. Big thanks to TheByteSize for his help with some options.
EDIT 15:
Star Ocean The Last Hope Pc Download Windows 7
Updated the Pointer code for the December 22, 2017 update. I have not had time to test things thoroughly, but most things seemed to look okay. Let me know if specific options still don't work.
EDIT 16:
I enhanced the Get All Item Drops option to include an option to only get 1 Item Per Monster for those that don't want to get all items. It defaults to getting all items the monster has. I also think I fixed the no drops for Lizard. At least it seemed to work for me when I defeated a lizard now. To be honest, I'm not all that far into the game to test things well, but I did change up the code to get the items better. As far as crashes, I always have to turn on Kernel Mode in cheat engine for this game to work well for me, so try that if you don't have it on. The shop code worked for me even when buying the item, but I had to turn on Kernel Mode again since I turn it off for other games.
EDIT 16.1:
I take that back about the Shop Items. There was a pointer for it that needed updated and it's here in 16.1. I'm removing EDIT 16 for now, but the update for Get All Item Drops still applies to this update.
EDIT 16.5:
I updated the table for the game update around February 9, 2018. I think everything works okay now.
How to use this cheat table?- Install Cheat Engine
- Double-click the .CT file in order to open it.
- Click the PC icon in Cheat Engine in order to select the game process.
- Keep the list.
- Activate the trainer options by checking boxes or setting values from 0 to 1
Star Ocean The Last Hope Pc Download